XML data format


The XML format by which mathematical expressions are internally represented is specified as follows:

Example: x+1

The simple expression x+1 is represented as:


Example: sin(x)

sin(x) is represented as:

    <b p="latex">\sin\left(<r ref="1"/>\right)</b>
    <b p="text">sin(<r ref="1"/>)</b>

Example: sqrt(x+1)

The square root of x+1 is:

    <b p="latex">\sqrt{<r ref="1"/>}</b>
    <b p="text">sqrt(<r ref="1"/>)</b>

Example: 1+(1-x)/sin(x)

1+(1-x)/sin(x) would be represented as:

    <b p="latex">\dfrac{<r ref="1"/>}{<r ref="2"/>}</b>
    <b p="small_latex">\frac{<r ref="1"/>}{<r ref="2"/>}</b>
    <b p="text">(<r ref="1"/>)/(<r ref="2"/>)</b>
    <c up="1" down="2" name="numerator"><e>1-x</e></c>
    <c up="1" down="2" name="denominator">
        <b p="latex">\sin\left(<r ref="1"/>\right)</b>
        <b p="text">sin(<r ref="1"/>)</b>

Example: Matrix

The 2x3 matrix [1, 2, 3; x, y, z] would be represented by:

  <f type="matrix" group="array">
    <b p="latex">\left(\begin{matrix} <r ref="1" d="2" sep0=" &amp; " sep1="\\"/> \end{matrix}\right)</b>
    <b p="text">matrix(<r ref="1" d="2" sep0="," sep1=";"/>)</b>
    <l s="2">
      <l s="3">
      <l s="3">