

An instance of Guppy. Calling Guppy(id) with the ID of an existing editor will simply return that instance.


new Guppy(id, configopt)

Name Type Attributes Description
id string

The string ID of the element that should be converted to an editor.

config Object <optional>

The configuration options for this instance

Name Type Attributes Description
events Object <optional>

A dictionary of events. Available events are as specified in Guppy.init. Values in this dictionary will, for this instance of the editor, override events specified through Guppy.init.

settings Object <optional>

A dictionary of settings. Values in this dictionary will override any global settings specified in Guppy.init. This dictionary takes the same keys as the config.settings dictionary passed to Guppy.init. See that function's documentation for the complete list.


engine :Engine



(static) add_global_symbol(name, symbol, templateopt)


Add a symbol to all instances of the editor

Name Type Attributes Description
name string

The name of the symbol to add. This is also the string that will be autoreplaced with the symbol.

symbol Object

If template is present, this is just the template arguments. Otherwise, it is the complete symbol specification

Name Type Attributes Description
output Object

Key/value pairs where the key is the output type (such as "latex" or "asciimath") and the value is the string by which the output will be rendered in that format. In this string, {$n} will be substituted with the rendering of the nth argument. If the nth argument is a d-dimensional list, then the argument should be specified as {$n{sep_1}{sep_2}...{sep_d}} where sep_i will be the separator used to separate entries in the ith dimension. Note that keys are not necessary to describe the AST or plain-text outputs.

keys Array

A list of strings representing keystrokes that can be used to trigger the insertion of this symbol. For example, "^" or"shift+up"for theexponential` symbol.

attrs Object

A specification of the attributes of the symbol

Name Type Description
type string

A longer description of the symbol type, suitable for searching and text rendering.

group string

The group in which to place this symbol (for OSK)

input Object <optional>

If the symbol should subsume part of the existing content of the editor (as in, for example, the case of exponent), this object will contain the (1-based) index of the argument in which that content should be placed.

ast Object <optional>

Modifies the default construction of an entry in the AST for this symbol.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
type Object <optional>

The type of symbol for AST purposes. Can be "name" (meaning this symbol represents a variable, as in the case of pi), "number" (meaning this symbol is a literal value), "operator" (meaning this symbol is a function or otherwise takes arguments (as in cos or +), or "pass" (meaning this symbol's first argument will be used as its AST entry, as in the case of brackets/parentheses).

args Array.<Object> <optional>

A list of specifications, one for each argument

Name Type Attributes Default Description
down string <optional>

The index of the argument to jump to when the "down" arrow is pressed in this argument

up string <optional>

The index of the argument to jump to when the "up" arrow is pressed in this argument

small string <optional>

"yes" if the symbol is small (as in an exponent)

name string <optional>

The name of this particular argument (suitable for searching)

bracket string <optional>

"yes" if brackets should automatically be rendered around this argument when they might be needed to disambiguate.

delete string <optional>

If present, when the "backspace" key is pressed at the beginning of this argument, the symbol will be deleted and replaced with the argument whose index is specified in this parameter. For example, the second argument of an exponent has this value set to "1", so that when the exponent is deleted, the base remains.

mode string <optional>

Change the mode of an argument. Can be "text" (meaning the argument will be editable as and rendered as plain text), "symbol" (meaning the argument will specify a symbol name and will complete to an actual symbol when this is entered--only used for the backslash symbol), or "math" (the default)

is_bracket string <optional>

Set to "yes" if the symbol is itself a bracket/parenthesis equivalent.

template string <optional>

The name of the template to use

(static) init(config)


Initialise global settings for all instances of the editor. Most of these can be overridden for specific instances later. Should be called before instantiating the Guppy class.

Name Type Description
config Object

The configuration options for this instance

Name Type Attributes Default Description
symbols Array.<string> <optional>

A list of URLs for symbol JSON files to request

path string <optional>

The path to the guppy build folder.

osk GuppyOSK <optional>

A GuppyOSK object to use for the on-screen keyboard if one is desired

events Object <optional>

A dictionary of events

Name Type Attributes Description
ready function <optional>

Called when the instance is ready to render things.

change function <optional>

Called when the editor's content changes. Argument will be a dictionary with keys old and new containing the old and new documents, respectively.

left_end function <optional>

Called when the cursor is at the left-most point and a command is received to move the cursor to the left (e.g., via the left arrow key). Argument will be null.

left_end function <optional>

Called when the cursor is at the right-most point and a command is received to move the cursor to the right (e.g., via the right arrow key). Argument will be null.

done function <optional>

Called when the enter key is pressed in the editor.

completion function <optional>

Called when the editor outputs tab completion options. Argument is a dictionary with the key candidates, a list of the options for tab-completion.

debug function <optional>

Called when the editor outputs some debug information. Argument is a dictionary with the key message.

error function <optional>

Called when the editor receives an error. Argument is a dictionary with the key message.

focus function <optional>

Called when the editor is focused or unfocused. Argument will have a single key focused which will be true or false according to whether the editor is newly focused or newly unfocused (respectively).

settings Object <optional>

A dictionary of settings

Name Type Attributes Default Description
xml_content string <optional>

An XML string with which to initialise the editor's state.

autoreplace string <optional>

Determines whether or not to autoreplace typed text with the corresponding symbols when possible.

blank_caret string <optional>

A LaTeX string that specifies what the caret should look like when in a blank spot. If "", the default caret is used.

empty_content string <optional>

A LaTeX string that will be displayed when the editor is both inactive and contains no content.

blacklist Array.<string> <optional>

A list of string symbol names, corresponding to symbols that should not be allowed in this instance of the editor.

buttons Array.<string> <optional>

A list of strings corresponding to the helper buttons that should be displayed in the editor when focused.

cliptype string <optional>

A string, either "text" or "latex". If this option is present, when text is placed onto the editor clipboard, the contents of the editor will be rendered into either plain text or LaTeX (depending on the value of this option) and an attempt will be made to copy the result to the system clipboard.

callback function <optional>

A function to be called when initialisation is complete.

(static) remove_global_symbol(name)


Remove a symbol from all instances of the editor

Name Type Description
name string

The name of the symbol to remove



Focus this instance of the editor



Get the content of the editor in AsciiMath.



Unfocus this instance of the editor



Get the Doc object representing the editor's contents.



Get the content of the editor as a list of equations, serialised using JSON. For example, x < y = z will be returned as `[["<", [["var", "x"], ["var", "y"]]],["=", [["var", "y"], ["var", "z"]]]]



Recursively evaluate the syntax tree of the editor's contents using specified functions.

Name Type Attributes Description
evaluators Object <optional>

An object with a key for each possible symbol type ("exponential", "integral", etc.) whose values are functions that will be applied whenever that symbol is encountered in the syntax tree. These functions take a single argument, args, which is a list of the results of evaluating that symbol's arguments.

  • Whatever the evaluators function for the root symbol in the syntax tree returns.

func(evaluatorsopt) → {function}


Get the content of the editor as a Javascript function, with user-supplied interpretations of the various symbols. If not supplied, default interpretations will be given for the following symbols: *,+,/,-,^,sqrt,sin,cos,tan,log

Name Type Attributes Description
evaluators Object <optional>

An object with a key for each possible symbol type ("exponential", "integral", etc.) whose values are functions. These functions take in a single argument, args, which is an array of that symbol's arguments, and should return a function that takes in an object argument vars. In this inner function, to compute e.g. the sum of the first and second arguments, you would do args[0](vars)+args[1](vars). This function should return the result of that symbol's operation.

  • Returns a function that takes in an object with a key for each variable in the expression and whose values are the values that will be passed in for those variables. In addition, this function is augmented with a vars member which is a list of the variables that appear in the expression.



Set the content of the document from input text in "semantic LaTeX" format. That is, all functions are represented as \funcname{arg1}{arg2}. For example, \defintegral{1}{2}{x^2}{x}.

Name Type Description
text String

A string representing the document to import.



Import a syntax tree from a JSON object formatted as outputted by guppy.syntax_tree().

Name Type Description
tree Object

A JSON object representing the syntax tree to import.



Set the content of the document from text in the format outputted by guppy.text().

Name Type Description
text String

A string representing the document to import.



Set the content of the document from XML in the format outputted by guppy.xml().

Name Type Description
xml String

An XML string representing the document to import.



Get the content of the editor as LaTeX



Render the document

Name Type Attributes Default Description
updated boolean <optional>

Whether there have been visible changes to the document (i.e. that affect the positions of elements)



Get a list of the symbols used in the document, in order of appearance, with each kind of symbol appearing only once. For example, a document representing sin(x^3)+sqrt(x^2+x) will have symbols ["sin","exponential","square_root"].

Name Type Attributes Description
groups Array.<String> <optional>

A list of the groups whose symbols may be included in the output. If absent, all symbols in the document will be returned.



Get the content of the editor as a syntax tree, serialised using JSON



Get the content of the editor in a parseable text format.



Get a list of the variable names used in the document.



Get the content of the editor as XML